Consulting reports

  Being a think-tank of the government ,AADRI carries out researches on key issues related to the development strategies of politics,economy, science and technolongy,as well as culture of the Asian and African countries and provides research findings and consulting advice for decision-making to the central government.


  Academic exchanges

  AADRI independently or jointly organizes and holds symposiums, lectures, discussions and academic seminars on Asian and African issues with relevant departments and institutions to promote academic exchanges and research cooperation both at home and abroad.


   Edition and publication of journals

  AADRI edits and publishes the Chinese bimonthly “Asia-Pacific Security and Maritime Affairs” and other nonscheduled Chinese and English publications, providing qualified information and analysis resources for the readers.


  Compilation of research findings

  AADRI organizes compilation and translation of research papers and other research findings and materials related to the Asian and African affairs.


  Other tasks

  AADRI undertakes the work assigned by DRC, carries out the research projects entrusted by relevant government departments and institutions and provides consulting advice for the government and appropriate government departments and institutions.


Record number:ICP(BJ)NO.13010271-6 Technical