TheAbstracts of Vol.4, 2022

Releasing Time:07.22.2022Source:亚非发展研究所英文

The Discipline Construction of China's Area Studies in the New Era: its Theoretical

Significance and Academic Governance

Yang Jiemian     

       The construction of area studies in China has witnessed the historical process of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and its interaction with the world. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's area studies have stepped up to a new level. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is established as the guidance of area studies' research,teaching and talent training.  Actively innovating new ideas and theories, China's area studies has entered a new phase. In the new era, China's area studies should be understood and promoted from the world's height and academic depth. It needs to clarify academic boundaries and subjects, and strengthen the construction of academic system. In the new era, the guidance for the construction of area studies in China is the correct political direction and academic objectives. The foundation is related majors, the platform is research and educational institutions, the focus is research topics, and the dependence is all kinds of talents.



Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Great Power Competition and the Evolution of the World

Geopolitical Pattern-From the Perspective of Geopolitics

 Hu Weixing

      The Ukrainian crisis has a profound background of history and culture, ethnic conflicts,geopolitics and great power competition, which needs to be interpreted from the inside of Ukraine, the relationship between Russia and Ukraine, and the relationship between Russia and the West. Seen from a longer historical time and space, this crisis is also part of the " great change unseen in a century".  The Russia-Ukraine conflict is not only a regional conflict, but also a continuation of the East-West confrontation during the Cold War. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has brought about a sudden change in the world geopolitics and   intemational order, and accelerated the evolution of the world geopolitical pattern. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict tells people that traditional geopolitical logic has not gone away, and that the competition between major powers is still a struggle for strategic space. Strategic space affects the world geopolitical pattern and the balance between major powers. It is still the main axis of the development of international relations in the future. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has stirred up major divisions, major shocks and major restructuring of the world's geopolitical landscape, and the international economic and trade and global governance systems are also facing major adjustments.



Theoretical and Practical Research on Global Supply Chain Security

Lu Yun

      Affected by the great change not seen in a century and COVID-19, economic globalization has encountered a counter current. Unstable, uncertain and unsafe factors in the international situation have become increasingly prominent, and the security and resilience of the supply chain are facing great challenges. Supply chain involves many subjects, such as enterprises, countries and international order. We can think about the security of supply chain from the perspective of micro enterprise management, transaction costs and comparative advantages of economic production, and macro security in politics.  In the current international political and economic environment, supply chain security faces many practical challenges, such as the overflow of supply chain node crises, the deconstruction and reconstruction of geopolitical games, and the long-term threat of climate change, resulting in tight supply of bulk commodities, widespread concerns about people's livelihood, and the focus of the supply chain from " efficiency priority" to " security priority" ,  which poses a superimposed challenge to the stability and security of the world and China's supply chain. The long-term development of all countries cannot be separated from technological progress and open globalization. The competition among big countries around the supply chain is both an opportunity and a challenge for China.  China is actively maintaining the security and stability of the supply chain, unblocking the operation of the world economy, and becoming a stabilizer and power source for global development.



The Monetary Dimension of Great Power Politics: The Financial Origin of the Cold

War, the U. S.  Dollar Hegemony and Financial Sanctions against Russia

Li Liming

        After World War II, the Marshall Plan not only realized the implementation of' the Bretton Woods system in Western Europe and became the starting point of the dollar hegemony system, but also embedded the currency dimension into the political game of great powers. Especially in the process of forming the Cold War order, the role of' currency has not only accelerated the fission of the global order, but also achieved the integration of the Western camp. Therefore, the Cold War order is not only a confrontation between two geopolitical groups, but also a competition between two monetary and financial orders. In the 1960s and 1970s, the dollar hegemony system achieved iterations and upgrades. After the end of the Cold War,  with the " globalization" ,  the dollar hegemony system has evolved from a regional currency hegemony system to a global one.  Since the beginning of' the 21st century, the US dollar has become more and more "weaponized".  After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the West, dominated by the United States and Europe, adopted a full range of monetary and financial sanctions and blockades against Russia. This is the revival of the Cold War currency and security order, and it further highlights the "weaponization" trend of the US dollar, reflecting the complex face of contemporary international politics.



Legal Construction of Compensation for Marine Ecological Environment Damage

from Global Perspective

Mei Hong   

 The construction of the rule of law for global marine ecological environment damage compensation is a theoretical summary of the two-way interaction between the rule of law for the international marine environment and the rule of law for the marine environment of many countries in the existing international practice, and it is also a practical exploration of the international community to continuously deal with the difficult and new problems in the international protection of the marine environment. The legitimacy of collaborative innovation between international marine environmental law and domestic marine environmental law is based on the consistency of their objectives. In view of this, the overall idea of the rule of law construction of marine ecological environment damage compensation based on the collaborative innovation of international law and domestic law is emerging. The rule of law construction of marine ecological environment damage compensation based on the holistic thinking requires the state to fulfill its responsibilities in domestic law and obligations in international law in a timely manner, and to reflect international consensus with the rule of law and the rule of law thinking.  It not only focuses on the establishment and improvement of a comprehensive legal mechanism for the coordinated operation of public regulation and private law relief, but also promotes the rule of law construction of global marine ecological environment damage compensation based on the systematic and international nature of marine environmental protection.



The Legal Status of Unmanned Naval Maritime Systems

Bu Lingjia     

      The legal status of unmanned naval maritime systems ( UNMSs) is an unsettled issue.Existed views on the legal status of UNMSs include: component theory, warships, vessels and military devices.  Each of' these views has its own justification and problems.  The component theory that the legal status of UNMS is decided by its controlling platform is harmful to the security and interest of coastal states, its application is also limited. Classifying UNMSs as warships goes beyond the text and intentions of the State Parties to the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea ( UNCLOS) .  For the time being, as UNMSs do not conform to the requirements for navigational safety in article 94 and rendering assistance in article 98 0f the UNCLOS, treating them as vessels poses a hazard to maritime security. Classifying UNMSs as military devices is good for the protection of security of coastal states, but it might be protested by maritime powers. The conflicts of' national interests between maritime powers and costal states have an impact on their views of the legal status of UNMS, and they will impede the formation of relevant customary international law.



The Legitimacy Dilemma of the Afghan Interim Government and the Concerns of

the International Community

 Niu Song

      The re-control of the Afghan Taliban in power will not only reshape the country's political ecology, but will have a lasting and far-reaching impact on international relations. Since the Taliban's rise as a spontaneous phenomenon, its self-name and other-name have undergone complex changes as Afghan domestic politics, regional politics, and international relations evolving. At present, the Afghan Interim Government has maintained a certain degree of patience and conducted international interactions in order to seek diplomatic recognition,but twice using the "Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan" (IEA) as its "national name" has aroused serious concern at home and abroad. The issue of future diplomatic recognition of the"IEA" will have a knock-on impact on the historical writing of Afghan Taliban both in Afghanistan and in the international community. In addition to the diplomatic recognition of the Afghan Taliban's new regime, which would involve the legitimacy of its first regime, the international community has also focused on many other aspects, including the establishment of inclusive government, decoupling from terrorist organizations, safeguarding human rights, improving people's livelihood and relations with its neighbouring countries. These factors will all have a direct impact on Afghan Taliban administration and prospects for international acceptance.


Record number:ICP(BJ)NO.13010271-6 Technical