The Abstracts of Vol.1.2022

Releasing Time:01.17.2022Source:亚非发展研究所英文

The Biden Administration’s Strategic Competition Approach with China:

Character and Looks

Zhu Feng and Ni Guihua

    The Biden administration’s strategic competition approach with China has greatly shaped up with its”four-pronged” configuration to suppress and even contain China. Its“four- pronged” attack to China is apparently referring to human rights demonization, security confrontation,economic alienation ,and high-tech decoupling.The Biden administration’s China policy hasn’t completely fished off with its reassessment.Most importantly, the Biden Administration attempts to more effectively allocate domestic resources and enhance its unity with allies and partners to form a global anti-China coalition. In the key high-tech field, Biden is projecting a comprehensive containment strategy against China and trying to harass and even block China’s industrial upgrading,so as to secure the U.S. longer dominance over China’s power and particularly impede on China’s military modernization process.For this part, American policy of China is surging into level of the strategic confrontation. Despite China and international community’s broadly-shared conviction that two leading powers should productively manage their relationship and stay away from the New Cold War,Washington’s China policy seems less likely to go softer.American redefinition of its China policy appears to be quite unlikely to set back given the face that China bashing has become a cross-spectrum consensus.The severity and complexity of the strategic competition harshly imposed by the United States actually leaves no way for Chinese to keep illusion any longer.Bur effectively countering American challenges and even containment in the long run requires China’s new thinking rather than its determination only.

China’s Maritime Security: Concept Connotation and Practical Significance

Zhang Ying

    China’s maritime security is an important guarantee of national development.Safeguarding legitimate maritime rights and interests is the prerequisite and foundation for building a just world maritime security order. Building a maritime order featuring win-win cooperation will help China better safeguard its maritime rights and interests. In recent years,China’s maritime security strategy concept connotation contains three dimensions, namely the construcation of“maritime power”, the development of“Maritime Silk Road” and the building of“Maritime Community with Shared Future”, which relates to strategic objectives, security guarantee of regional and trans-regional economic and trade cooperation, and value recognition. China’s maritime security strategy, on the national level, is and important part of China’s overall national security concept; on the regional level, extends the scope of China’s peripheral security and peripheral diplomacy;on the global level, can be seen as an important attempt to provide global maritime and public goods participate in the global ocean governance.

Challenges of Negotiations on Maritime Biological Diversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction and China’s Approach—A Perspective of Maritime Community with a Shared Future

Shi Yubing

    The fourth inter-governmental negotiation on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction ( BBNJ ) has been scheduled, and this is vital for States to reach a treaty. Currently some significant challenges during BBNJ negotiations still exist, and whether these challenges could be addressed would decide whether BBNJ Agreement could be adopted. It is argued that the concept on maritime community with a shared future, as a specific reflection of the concept“a community of shared future for mankind” in maritime domain, could guide the BBNJ negotiations and assist in addressing the challenges arisen from BBNJ negotiations. The meaning and law of the sea foundation of the concept on maritime community with a shared future, is rooted in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea which has been widely regarded as the“Constitution for the Oceans”. Using the concept of maritime community with a shared future to guide the BBNJ negotiations has significant implications for the world.

Situation and Challenges Related to the Seas Adjacent to China-A Summary of the 2021 " South China Sea Forum"

Chang Na

    With the complexity of the global maritime situation and the diversification of' the world pattern, maritime issues show" strategic significance in the current era, and relevant issues need an in-depth discussion and summary. At the 2021 "SouthChina Sea Forum" hosted by the Collaborative Innovation Centerfor the South China Sea Studies of' Nanjing University,the participating experts had deep-going discussions on related topics. Under the backgroundof US China strategic competition, topics such as‘how to deal with the new situation of maritime security in the Asia Pacific’,‘the construction of' a maritime community with shared future' need calm thinking and solid action. The South China Sea Forum aims to provide a high-quality research, dialogue and exchange platformfor relevant sea related hotspotissues, and actively promote the development of research in the South China Sea.

The 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of China-ASEAN Dialogue Relations: Development, Experiences and Future  

Lei Xiaohua

     2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. China-ASEAN relations havebecome the most successful and dynamic model of cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region and a vivid example of promoting thebuilding of a community with a shared future for mankind. Looking hack on the 30-year achievements of China-ASEAN dialogue relations, we can summarize the following four pieces of experiences: mutual respect is the norm of dialogue- ; win-win cooperation is the principle to follow; mutual assistance is the tradition to inherit; and tolerance and mutual learning are measures to guarantee dialogue. In the context of major changes unseen in the world in a century, China and ASEAN will establish seven major partnerships: closer strategic mutual trust partnership, economic and trade partnership, interconnection partnership, sustainabledevelopment partnership, innovation and digital partnerships, cultural exchange partnership, and multilateral partnership. China and ASEAN countrieswill be committed to building a comprehensive strategic partnership and take new steps towards building a closer China-ASEANcommunitywith a sharedfuture.

The Adjustment of US Arms Sales Policy toward Taiwan: Its Characteristics, Trends and Implications

Wang Shushen

    Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and US, the successive US governments have used arms sales to Taiwan as a major approach tobalance the military posture across Taiwan Strait, to demonstrate the US commitment to Taiwan in accordance with the "Taiwan Relations Act" and to delay mainland China's strategy to promote national reunification.Of course,both the Democratic and Republican governments in the IJS pursue politic,al and economic interests and play the "Taiwan card" against Chinaby selling weapons to Taiwan. The Trump administration adjusted the US national security strategy and labeled China as the primary strategic competitor of US. The US arms sales to Taiwan have been an important means of its China strategy. The Trump administration arms sales policy toTaiwan haschanged significantly which tends tobe normalized and in line with the DPP's "overall defense concept". Increased arms sales to Taiwan by US government and the enhanced US-Taiwan military security relations have triggered mainland China's counter measures. China and US seems tofall into a " game of deterrence" around the Taiwan Strait. That trendbrings serious challenges for the two sides to prevent and control crisis in the future.

Discussion on Japan's Policy Choice under the Background of Sino-US Competition

 Lu Wei  

    Japan's strategic environment is primarily shaped hy twobig powers: China and the United States. The strategic competitionbetween China and the United States has had a significant impact on Japan. Based on assessing Sino-US Competition and judging the favorable strategic space, Japan tries to turn risks into opportunities, and then takes three policy measures to maximize its national interests: Complement the shortboard of military power and promote the diversification of the alliance's security system ; Implement economic security strategies and restructure supply chains and ensure technological advantages; Tofulfill the long-cherished wish guide the direction of reshaping the international order andbecome a veritable first-class power, Japan promotes an institutional strategy that reflects Japanese values, and seeks the dominance of international rule making. This measure shows an intense color of opportunism and pragmatism. However, the stubborn adherence to the strategicbase position of the Japan-US alliance and the existence of the vulnerable structure of China-IJS asymmetry determines that Japan cannot fundamentally overcome the triple contradiction: tobalance autonomy and follow,dependence and "decoupling" , reform and " kingmakers". It is not easy for Japan to take advantage of the " space" left by China-U. S. strategic competition t。achieve its design of' policy objectives. It is just wishful thinking. As the uncertainty of the U. S.-China game increases, the policies Japan pursued will face dilemmas.

Record number:ICP(BJ)NO.13010271-6 Technical