The Abstracts of Vol.1.2021

Releasing Time:01.17.2021Source:亚非发展研究所英文

Past and Future:  the  U.  S.  Posture  toward  China  during  and  after  the  Presidential Election Campaign 

 Shi Yinhong

Due to the serious perverse actions of the Trump administration in the fields of global governance, Sino - US trade, Sino - US strategic competition and diplomatic  exchanges, Bidens new administration is bound to correct the mistakes. However, the  current  situationof the United States toward China has not only strong and enduring international structural energy in many aspects, but also strong and enduring domestic political and social energy in many aspects. Therefore, its correction is bound to be partial and limited, and the confronta- tion and competition with China in other areas are bound to intensify.  To a large extent, the trend of Sino-US relations after  the US election could be influenced or shaped by China, so Chinas strategy and  policy and  appropriate adjustment are of great importance. China  needsto take the initiative to avoid military conflicts between China and the United States as the fundamental  common interest,at least the “ common divisor” and the leading issue, and strive for  the US Biden administration to have a pragmatic, focused and specific dialogue ornegotiationwithChinaassoonaspossibleaftertakingoffice.

Chinas Strategic Evolution towards the United States: Model and Challenge

Sun Zhe  

Deep turbulence over the past few years in US -China relations is partially caused by unprecedented institutional changes in both countries. There are many analyses on American domestic politics and foreign policy. However, there is a pressing need to explore the evolu- tion of Chinas strategies on the U. S. from the Chinese  perspective. In the Biden era, can the relationship be “ reset” and tensions eased? Will the “ competing and cooperative” rela- tionship turn into a “ adversary partnership” in the future? To examine Chinas strategies to- wards the U. S., three issues need to be  considered: Firstly, whether China has a consist- ent, clear, and accurate strategy towards the U. S. These are the key elements for China to make an  accurate judgment  on the U. S. Secondly, whether China has a “ top-design” on guidelines, priorities and directions to integrate various political, economic and military elements into the general policy; thirdly, whether China has a “ bottom-line” thinking to evalu- ate and review the past policies towards the U. S. and thus makes quick and relevant adjustments to win domestic and international support.China and International Development Cooperation in a Time of Unprecedented Global ChangesWei LingA white paper Chinas International Development Cooperation in the New Era was released at the very beginning of the year 2021. International development cooperation refers to a series of practices oriented towards poverty alleviation and economic growth in accordance with local conditions by relevant international agents who cooperate as equal partners. China and emerging economies have introduced lessons learned from their own development experi- ences, and ideas and practices of South-South cooperation into international development co- operation. They have made great  efforts in building development partnerships, reinventingDevelopment knowledge and paradigm, reforming international development institutions, andpromoting positive interaction between development and security for lasting peace. Such a joint  enterprise, in  a time of  unprecedented  changes  and  the rise of global south, is produ-cingsignificantimpactontheevolutionofworldorder.


The Solution  for  the  South  China  Sea  Quagmire from Crimeas  Entry  into  Russia: A Perspective of U.  S.  -Russian Strategic Game

Chu  Zhaogen

Russias strong push for Crimeas entry into Russia in 2014  has  many  similar  situations with  Chinas dilemma in  the South  China Sea ( SCS).  From a geopolitical perspective, bothChina and Russia have encountered the varying degrees squeeze of the U. S.strategic and security space; Both Crimea to Russia and South China Sea to China have similar strategic status and similar historical complex; and China and Russia face similar diplomatic games, international law disputes and economic warfare, and even military considerations.Crimeas entry into Russia is the result of the comprehensive use of Russias military, economic, international law, diplomacy, propaganda, and psychological warfare, the interaction between Russias Kingcraft and hegemons, the squeeze and counter-squeeze, and the contest of strategic wills and means between Russia and the U. S.and Europe. This provides a useful ref- erence and enlightenment for China to break through the predicament in the South China Sea andevenforSino-UScoopetition.Itisworthyofourdeepconsiderationandstudy.


The New Situation and Challenges of the South China Sea Issue:  A Summary of the 2020“ South China Sea Forum” 

 Liu Zhe

At present, the strategic competition between major countries is more intense,  and  the situation in the South  China Sea is also more complicated. Therefore, it  is very important toconduct a rational and comprehensive analysis of the current situation in the South China Sea in a timely manner. The “ 2020 South China Sea Forum ” was held in Nanjing,  sponsored by the Collaborative Innovation Center of the South China Sea Studies at Nanjing University,co-organized by the Editorial Department of Asia -Pacific Security and Maritime Affairsand the Huazhi Institute for Global Governance of Nanjing University. The participating experts had in-depth discussions on topics such as “ The competition between China and the United States on the South China Sea issue”, “ The internationalization trend of the South China Sea dispute: issues and challenges”, “ China-ASEAN relations in the post-epidemic era”, and“ The study and judgment of legal issues related to the South China Sea in the New Era”.Experts believe that the international trend of the South China Sea issue is becoming more and more serious, with prominent militarization features, and the struggle for rights protection inthe South China Sea has entered a new era of high wind and high waves. The “ South China  Sea Forum” aims to promote the development of research on the South China Sea and provide ahigh-qualityplatformforresearchanddialogueonrelevantmaritimehotspotissues.


The Constructed Security Dilemma in North East Asia:  Analysis on Japanese “ Com- prehensive Maritime Security”   Policy

Song  Ninger

The  idea  of  “ Comprehensive  Maritime  Security”  in  the  Third  Basic  Plan  on Ocean

is actually an attitude with hostility to surroundingcountriesconcentratingonlyonitsownsecurity.TheideaisdevelopedfromtheattitudeofbeingonguardagainstChina after  Cold  War  by  the  identity  construction  of  “Ocean  State”,  which  make  Japaneseocean policy strengthen the cognition that security profit can only be got by treating neighbor- ing countries with the attitude of hostility. Structural influence of defensive idea can possibly make  countries in North East Asia lose strategic mutual trust, Japan-U.  S.  Alliance may be used to oppose security cooperation  in  the area,  and  the  cooperation  relationship  breakdown in  the  area  may  happen,  and  countries  in  the  area  may  get  common  idea  of  hostility,  con-structing security dilemma in North East Asia which is running counter to the spirit of “ Mari- time  Community with Shared Destiny”. Its important to realize the structural duality betweenaction and structure in international relations for the deconstruction of security dilemma in North East Asia.

US Middle East Peace Policy and Its Trend

Niu Song

After  the Trump  administration  came  to  power,  its  Middle  East  peace  policy  gradually took  shape, viewing from its policies including the recognition  of  Jerusalem as the capital of Israel  and  the relocation  of  the US  embassy, the recognition  of  the Golan  Heights as Israels territory, the disregard of Jewish settlements as a violation of international law, the introduc- tion  of  the Deal  of the Century, and the promotion of the comprehensive breakthrough of the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco in their relations with Israel. Throughout all these activi- ties, it was the Iranian “ threat”  played up by the US that affected and impacted on its poli- cies.  Trumps Middle East peace policy is influenced by Evangelicals and Orthodox Judaism, the political  cooperation  between  Trump  and  Netanyahu, and  its  the  inevitable  result  of  his pushing Israel to become a “ normal” country. The policy has the characteristics of subversion to the internal  and  external  politics  of  the  US,  inheritance  on  the  basis  of  the  past  history, and differential order in the management of multiple groups of relations. It has serious impacts  on  the core status of the Palestinian issue, the faltering unity within the Arab world, and the situation of Palestinian-Israeli peace. There is a great possibility that Biden adminis- tration  generally inherits Trumps many breakthrough  measures in  Arab-Israeli  relations.

Arctic Security Strategy Environment and Chinas Policy Choice

Xu  Qingchao

The return of Great Power Competition is the leading paradigm on international security studies,  which  applies  to  the  Arctic  as  well.   Pompeos  speech  of  May,  2019  signals  the emerging new  turning point  of  Arctic  geo-strategy,  while  the  COVID- 19  Pandemic  speeds up the “ New Era of Strategic Competition”. The Arctic security -related fragility has been fully exposed to the Pandemic. There are three imaginary scenarios about the future Arctic security  dilemma from Chinas perspective, namely, the ongoing new Cold War, China-US- Russia strategic triangle relations, and the decoupling of China and the Arctic.  Restricted by Chinas capacity to participate in  Arctic  affairs,  policy  options  facing  China  include:  First, enlarging its Arctic  involvement;  Second,  withdrawal  from  Arctic  affairs;  Third,  to  pursue new balance with creative involvement. The Arctic policy under Biden administration is sup- posed  to reshape  the  strategic  environment  on  Arctic  security,  affecting  directly  on  Chinas future Arctic strategy.

Record number:ICP(BJ)NO.13010271-6 Technical