The Abstracts of Vol.4,2021
Releasing Time:07.16.2021Source:亚非发展研究所英文
From a “Community with a Shared Future for Mankind” to “ Maritime Community
with a Shared Future” —The Concept and Path of Promoting Global Ocean Gov-
ernance and Cooperation
Zhu Feng
The concept of “Maritime Community with a Shared Future” is a strategic idea to promote global ocean governance and cooperation in the 21st century. Since ancient times the ocean has been vital for food and transportation and it
The Time Implication and the Mission of China in the Concept of a Maritime Commu-
nity with a Shared Future
Wu Shicun
The world is currently facing numerous issues in the maritime sector including environmentalpollution over-exploitation of resources geopolitical competition between countries urgentrequirements for reformed rules and institutional systems and so on. Therefore building a “ Maritime Community with a Shared Future” not only meets the needs of all mankind but al- so marks an inevitable trend in the evolution of the global order at sea. A “Maritime Commu- nity with a Shared Future” is an indispensable part of a “Human Community with a Shared Future” and embodies its extension and development in the marine field and aims to answer“ how humans interact with the oceans” and “how humans can cooperate in the ocean” . It also exemplifies the Chinese idea of “harmony of nature and man” , the right approach to justice and the pursuit of interests a new vision of “common comprehensive cooperative and sustainable” security and the global governance philosophy of “ Consultation Contribution and Shared Benefits” . China is a global power a maritime power a rising power and a developing country. These four identities as a whole determines its irreplaceable and pivotal role in advancing the construction of a Maritime Community with a Shared Future.
The Maritime Community with a Shared Future : China
Liu Wei
The concept of Maritime Community with a Shared Future is put forward based on an era background and thus with obvious characteristics. It contains the profound connotation of openness and inclusiveness peace and tranquility win - win cooperation and harmony between human and ocean. Conforming to the natural attributes of the ocean and inheriting the traditional Chinese culture this concept is highly consistent with that of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind and the trend of the construction of maritime power thus becomes a part of strategic choice of the major country diplomacy of socialism with Chinese characteristics and China
The Centenary Transformation of the Communist Party of China
Ren Xiao
The Communist Party of China ( CPC)
The Cross-century Exploration : China
Song Dexing
As a great nation and rising power , China
Ren Kangyu
With the continuous development of globalization many public goods have become international public goods that transcend national boundaries. The COVID- 19 outbreak in 2020 hasput international public goods especially vaccines in the global spotlight. International public goods refer to the public goods provided on a global scale that can benefit people all over the world. The categories of international public goods are constantly increasing and so are the demands , supply subjects , supply modes and supply sources. With the evolution of the world pattern emerging countries have also become suppliers. However the outbreak and continue of Covid - 19 had brought many shocks on various aspects of international public goods. Particularly the shortage of vaccine is very serious. Therefore it is very important to
figure out the new characteristics of IPG to realize an equilibrium supply of vaccine and other IPGs and to enhance the supply efficiency. China as a country which is very successful in containing the pandemic has begun to actively undertake the responsibility of supplying IPG. This paper is to review the major literatures in this field , then discuss the related ques- tions arising because of the pandemic. It will be a basis for further study on IPG and a theo- retical guide for China to supply IPG and build a human community of a shared future.
Politicizing the Pandemic : U. S. Pandemic Management under the Trump Adminis- tration
Pu Jingxin
The Trump administration
The Geopolitical Thinking of United States
Lian Degui
The confrontation between China and the United States may become the focal point of international relations in the 21st century. In this ongoing and possibly long -term confrontation it is also worth paying attention to how Japan , as a neighbor of China and an ally of the United States will choose. It is of great significance to analyze the relations between China the United States and Japan from the perspective of American policy toward China and Japan
s also a theater of geopolitical competition and conflict between countries. Today the conservation of the global marine ecological environment and resources is a key area for human beings to achieve “ Green Economy” avoidthe crisis of climate change and achieve sustainable development. The concept of “ Maritime Community with a Shared Future” is closely related to the idea of a “ Community with a Shared Future for Mankind ” . It reflects the new historical and theoretical height of Xi Jinping
s diplomatic thoughts ,which aims at promoting inclusive multilateralism based on e- quality and mutual benefit. In order to enrich and expand the theory and practice of “ Maritime Community with a Shared Future” we should promote maritime security cooperation between countries global ocean governance and the Belt and Road development.
s Programme in Global Ocean Governance for a New Era
s programme for deep participation in global ocean governance inthe new era. China is a coastal state with unfavorable geographical conditions , as well as confronts with traditional issues such as complicated disputes on maritime rights and interests , the strategic pressure of the US and Western states , the lack of the power of legal- diplomatic discourse and the threat of new oceanic problems and situations. Internally , in or- der to construct the Maritime Community with a Shared Future , it should take Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law and diplomacy and important speeches as guidance , and promote theoretical research and the construction of ocean rule of law system with Chinese characteris- tics from the domestic perspective. From the global perspective , China can lead the reshaping and improvement of international law of the sea through maritime diplomacy , as well as do a good job in the news publicity and public opinion guidance on the concept of the Maritime Community with a Shared Future , so as to create a stable and favorable international public opinion environment.
s Recognition of the
s recognition of the world over the past century under- went important fluctuations and changes. During a fairly long period of time , the CPC was guided and influenced by the Comintern and saw the existing epoch as one of “war and revo- lution” . It held a heavy “world revolution” idea and at one time even self-identified as the “center of world revolution ” . After the initiation of reform and opening up , this started to change but was by no means easy. Not until around 1985 did “ peace and development ” viewpoint eventually become established. Thereafter , when had been tested by the two major crises in 1989 and 1999 respectively , “ peace and development” was seen as the epochal theme . Accordingly , taking a path of peaceful development also became China
s national will. When the relations between China and the world are entering a new stage , the CPC
s percep- tion of the world is epitomized by the Xi Jinping thought of foreign affairs , which is also a crystallization of collective wisdom. The evolution from world revolution to a “ Community of Shared Future for Mankind” fundamentally reflects the process of change of the CPC
s recog- nition of the world over the past century.
s International Strategic Outlook and Choice
s international strategic outlook is based on the sit- uation at home and abroad in different historical periods , and on the national strategic plan- ning of the CPC and the Chinese government , at the same time influenced by Chinese lead- ers ’ international strategic thought and their practice of foreign policy. It embodies the dis- tinctive characteristics of the times and Chinese feeling , and constantly innovates and devel- ops at different times in history. China
s international strategic outlook influences China
s basic strategic choices to a great extent. They interact with each other to keep pace with the times in the process of safeguarding China
s sovereignty , security , and development interests , and ultimately shape the basic outlook of China
s foreign policy in the new era. Based on the public speeches and official documents of Chinese leaders , combining with the strategic situation in different historical periods , this paper analyzes the evolution of China
s international strategic outlook , explains its policy logic , and from the perspective of national grand strategy theory , it summarizes China
s strategic choice and its characteristics of the times. Thus , it has important practical significance.
Observation and Thinking on the International Public Goods since Covid - 19 Outbreak
s politicization of the pandemic which puts politics above science political party interests above national interests and international political struggle above international cooperation in fighting the pandemic is the main reason why the pandemic in the United States is spiraling out of control. The Trump administration
s politicization of the pan- demic has highlighted the widespread political opposition and social division in the United States. However under the leadership and promotion of Trump the United States has reached a high degree of consensus on its China policy and being tough on China has become “politically correct” and social consensus in the United States. Mankind is a communi- ty with a shared future. The differences in the experience of China and the United States in the battle of the pandemic show that only by abandoning the political mentality of zero -sum game and strengthening solidarity cooperation and mutual assistance can we solve the new problems and challenges that mankind continues to face.
China Policy and Japan
s Diplomatic
s diplomatic choice and to explore the characteristics of the relations among big powers reflected in them. The root of United States’ China policy is its thinking mode as a maritime country which determines that the United States must form an alliance to contain the rise of China and contain China in terms of maritime rights and ideology. Under the background of Sino -US confrontation Japan strengthens its alliance with the United States in terms of security , and at the same time tries to safeguard Japan
s economic interests in Chinese market , thus making its China policy independent.